Why should I consider using AngioprimPLUS Oral Cardio Chelation?
Over the years, through our diets and environment, we build up a measure of plaque, cholesterol, and calcium – some of us more rapidly than others. In addition, no matter how organic a life we try to live, we are all exposed to metals in the environment which also find their way into our bloodstream and can remain. Eventually, this buildup of plaque, cholesterol and calcium can cause a host of conditions, some debilitating. AngioprimPLUS oral cardio chelation which contains EDTA, Serrapeptase, Sterol Ester, EPA and DHA Omega-3′s cleans miles of veins and arteries, the entire cardiovascular system. As a result nutrient-rich blood reaches and revitalizes all areas of your body. Our customers are often surprised to find health issues clear up which they previously assumed to be unrelated to circulatory health.
An especially pressing issue – the American Heart Association reports heart disease to be the number one killer of both men and woman. AngioprimPLUS oral cardio chelation which contains EDTA, Serrapeptase, Sterol Ester, EPA and DHA Omega-3′s is seriously worth considering if you, or members of your family, have any heart health issues or concerns.
What are some other benefits of chelation therapy?
Because calcification is an ongoing process in the body and oral chelation therapy helps to not only reduce calcium deposits but also to increase blood flow throughout the entire circulatory system, there are many benefits from oral chelation therapy, these include:
- Lower blood pressure
- Increases circulation in the outer extremities (hand & feet)
- Reduces symptoms related to heart attacks and strokes
- Lowers cholesterol levels
- Improves liver and kidney functions
- Reduces the effects of Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, cataracts, Glaucoma, diabetes, heavy metal poisoning, varicose veins, osteoporosis, angina and many other health problems related to reduced blood flow
AngioprimPLUS oral chelation can be used as:
- A preventative measure to avoid complications and diseases that results from heavy metals and calcification
- Preventative measure to prevents clots from forming, reducing your chance of a heart attack
- Lowering cholesterol
- Helps to thin the blood safely – no side effects or danger of bleeding
- Aids in reducing lipid peroxidation
- Contributes to the protection of the body against certain carcinogens, pathogens and other toxins that can reduce our quality of health
Does chelation remove other minerals from the body?
Yes some chelation therapies on the market today do but AngioprimPLUS oral cardio chelation which contains EDTA, Serrapeptase, Sterol Ester, EPA and DHA Omega-3′s does not. AngiorpimPLUS oral cardio chelation is supplemented with minerals so you don’t have to worry about any mineral loss. Our oral chelation does not cause diarrhea which would deplete minerals from the body. It is safe for all ages.
Does chelation lower the levels of calcium in bones and teeth?
No, in fact it can increase bone calcium. The reason is this – when the chelating substance removes calcium from the blood stream, the body will automatically start pulling calcium from other parts of the body to make up for the loss in the blood. (Serum calcium needs to stay at a constant level for heart function).
The most available calcium is the calcium that is deposited in the arterial walls known as calcium apatite. Other areas of the body also surrender their calcium; these are calcium deposits that are in arthritic joints, tendons, kidneys stones, underneath skin and calcified bursae that can often lead to bursitis. At the same time, the EDTA also stimulates the parathyroid to release a hormone called parathormone. Parathormone activates 2 types of bone cells, the osteoclasts and the osteoblasts. The osteoclasts break down bones and release calcium and the osteoblasts will then build new bone, making the bones stronger.
This bone building process continues for months after chelation therapy providing you with the added benefit of increased bone mass while still removing the excess calcium that is deposited in unwanted areas of the body such as the arteries and joints.
Women have reported the reversal of bone loss in as little as two months using EDTA Oral Chelation.
Osteoporosis – Taking calcium for osteoporosis can lead to more cardiovascular and arthritis problems. To manage Osteoporosis you need specific metalo-enzymes for calcium and phosphorus. Our chelation stimulates the parathyroid to release those needed enzymes.
What if I am on a blood thinner?
A 31 page supplement published in the British medical journal, Lancet, November of 1996, pointed out those common anticlotting therapies such as Aspirin and Coumadin are effective against only about one third of the cases of excessive platelet aggregation and coagulation. None of them gets at the whole problem. EDTA, on the other hand, appears to have effects against all clotting mechanisms, acting as a preventative in keeping the blood sufficiently thin so that one does not fall victim to heart attack & stroke. Using EDTA, as a superior and alternative blood thinner, you do not run the risks of bleeding or developing ulcers as one can with Coumadin or Aspirin. However, be sure to communicate with your prescribing physician if you seek to change your level of these medications.
What if I am taking medication for high blood pressure?
AngioprimPLUS oral cardio chelation which contains EDTA, Serrapeptase, Sterol Ester, EPA and DHA Omega-3′s assists in the lowering of high blood pressure. Please maintain contact with your doctor and check your blood pressure frequently while using AngioprimPLUS oral cardio chelation. You will likely find it necessary to speak with your physician about adjusting your medication. As blockages are reduced and removed, blood pressure normalizes. Under physician care, our customers report termination of their use of blood pressure medications at an appropriate point.
As an analogy, suppose you have a garden hose turned on outside. The water flows out the end in a nice, straight stream. If you were to take your hand and pinch the hose in the middle, 2 things happen. 1. The water squirts out erratically from the end, and 2. Pressure builds up between your hand and the wall. When you take our chelation, it is much like releasing the pinch on the hose, the hose restores a normal flow and the pressure subsides on the back end of the hose. The same occurs with the arteries in the body. If you are taking a medication that lowers blood pressure, and taking our chelation, you run the risk of your blood pressure dropping to low. Please check your blood pressure regularly while taking our chelation. If this occurs, please contact your physician, let him/her know that you are taking an oral cardio chelation product and that you may need to look at adjusting your medication.
What if I am taking medication for Type 2 Diabetes?
AngioprimPLUS oral cardio chelation which contains EDTA, Serrapeptase, Sterol Ester, EPA and DHA Omega-3′s assists in the normalizing high blood sugar levels. To avoid the risk of your blood sugar levels dropping too low, please maintain contact with your doctor and check your blood sugar levels frequently while using our chelation. If this occurs, please contact your physician, let him/her know that you are taking an oral chelation product and that you may need to look at adjusting your medication.
Will it interfere with any other drugs?
No, AngioprimPLUS cardio chelation which contains EDTA, Serrapeptase, Sterol Ester, EPA and DHA Omega-3′s is compatible with pharmaceutical drugs including the currently widely used calcium blockers. One of the ingredients EDTA has been widely used as a stabilizer in foods so it has a very safe record.
How does oral chelation compare to other methods?
The medical industry proposes Angioplasty and Bypass surgeries as methods for treating blockages. These options come at great risk and trauma to the body. They are traumatic and costly, and often need to be repeated at further risk to the patient. IV chelation is also invasive and costly, and can be very painful and cause negative side effects. Oral chelation is, by miles, the most cost effective and non-invasive option.
Should I worry about pieces of plaque breaking off?
AngioprimPLUS oral cardio chelation which contains EDTA, Serrapeptase, Sterol Ester, EPA and DHA Omega-3′s delivers the chelation gradually, incrementally, and does not break away plaque. AngioprimPLUS chelation dissolves plaque (plaque occurs when calcium and cholesterol combine). Plaque then exits the body through the kidneys and bowel.
Can it cause blood clots?
AngioprimPLUS oral cardio chelation will not cause a blood clot and is compatible with clotting medication. Blood clots often form from little tears in veins and arteries which can be caused by plaque. Our chelation removes plaque and works against clotting and helps to strengthen and rebuild elasticity in the blood vessels.
Are there any side effects with oral chelation?
Side effects are few with oral cardio chelation, some people may experience a dull headache but this is very rare and mild aches. This can be a normal part of cleansing and will subside. The formulation for AngioprimPLUS cardio chelation which contains EDTA, Serrapeptase, Sterol Ester, EPA and DHA Omega-3′s includes enzymes which allow it to process easily.
What form does AngioprimPLUS chelation come in?
AngioprimPLUS oral chelation product comes in two formulations:
In a 2 ounce bottle and is taken sublingually (under the tongue) which allows for a 60% absorption rate (as opposed to 5 – 18 in other oral chelation).
In a 2 ounce bottle taking 1 tablespoon on a plastic spoon in the morning on an empty stomach, wait 20 minutes before eating. This formulation mixes with the stomach acids and simulates into the blood stream within minutes.
What about depleting calcium from bones in osteoporosis?
Taking calcium for osteoporosis can lead to more cardiovascular and arthritis problems. To manage Osteoporosis you need specific metalo-enzymes for calcium and phosphorus. AngioprimPLUS oral cardio chelation consisting of EDTA, Serrapeptase, Sterol Ester, EPA and DHA Omega-3′s stimulates the parathyroid to release those welcomed enzymes.
What if I have already undergone IV Chelation treatments?
You can use AngioprimPLUS cardio chelation consisting of EDTA, Serrapeptase, Sterol Ester, EPA and DHA Omega-3′s after or between IV treatments. Do not use both methods simultaneously. IV treatments can leave a buildup of saline in the liver and kidneys but AngioprimPLUS cardio chelation will eliminate these deposits. Our customers report faster and more effective results using AngioprimPLUS.
How does AngioprimPLUS differ from other oral chelation products on the market?
There are a handful of oral chelation products on the market. Some come cheap and fall far short of a thorough cleanse. For the same amount of our primary ingredients, AngioprimPLUS is actually more cost effective. “Why” because we have proven effective ingredients and we are LICENCED BY HEALTHCANADA and FDA COMPLIANT. AngioprimPLUS contains the finest, purest ingredients available and includes protective enzymes for the intestines.
About EPA and DHA
EPA and DHA omega-3s are important nutrients that the body uses to function optimally. Evidence shows that omega-3s play important roles in heart health, brain health, child and infant development, inflammation and other functions. Unfortunately the typical Western diet does not supply enough EPA and DHA, which may contribute to increased risk of chronic diseases and hundreds of thousands of preventable deaths.
How many bottles of AngioprimPLUS oral cardio chelation will I need, and how oftern will I need to use AngioprimPLUS oral cardio chelation?
AngioprimPLUS Oral Cardio Chelation Cleanse (3) Pkg. 2 oz. bottles:
- Intended for maintenance, three 2 oz. bottles every 6 months
AngioprimPLUS Oral Cardio Chelation Cleanse (6) Pkg. 2 oz. bottles:
- Minor blockage 15-20%
- Cold hands and feet
- Poor circulation
- Tiredness
- Low energy
- Maintenance (3) 2 oz. bottles every 6 months.
AngioprimPLUS Oral Cardio Chelation Cleanse (12) Pkg. 2 oz. bottles:
- Minor plaque in arteries 30-50%
- Elevated blood pressure and cholesterol
- Cold feet and hands
- Shortness of breath during physical exertion
- Maintenance (3) 2 oz. bottles every 6 months
AngioprimPLUS Oral Cardio Chelation Cleanse (24) Pkg. 2 oz. bottles:
- 70% cholesterol in the arteries
- Poor circulation
- Unable to walk short distances without chest pain
- Angina pain (chest pain, tightness or pressure)
- High blood pressure
- Cold hands and feet
- Burning in the legs and arms
- Rapid heartbeat
- Inflammation
- Maintenance (3) 2 oz. bottles every 6 months
AngioprimPLUS Oral Cardio Chelation Cleanse (36) Pkg. 2 oz. bottles:
- Severe pressure in your chest, arm and shoulder
- Dizziness
- Loss of appetite
- Heavy sweating
- Jaw pain
- Extremely high blood pressure and cholesterol
- Crease in ear lobe
- Red face
- Fatigue
- Obesity
- Joint pain
- Inflammation
- Heart palpitations
- Maintenance (6) 2 oz. bottles every 6 months
AngioprimPLUS Oral Cardio Chelation Cleanse (48) Pkg. 2 oz. bottles:
- 80-90% blockage
- Burning feet
- Constant chest pain and pain in the carotid artery
- Irritability
- Loss of sleep
- Headaches
- Inflammation
- Shaky and weak
- Needing help with minor chores around the house
- Throbbing sound in the ears
- Red tongue
- Burning when urinating
- Trouble seeing
- Maintenance (6) 2 oz. bottles every 6 months
Is AngioprimPLUS oral cardio chelation safe for elderly people?
Yes. AngioprimPLUS oral cardio chelation is a synergistic combination of amino acids that the body recognizes and finds compatible.
Is there anybody who should not take oral chelation?
Chelation is naturally taking place within your body on a daily basis from many foods that we eat, so everybody is benefiting from some chelation. However, pregnant or lactating women and people with kidney disease should check with their physician before starting a chelation program.
What is your return and refund policy?
Please see our return & refund policy.